Welcome to the Writermind Project
Welcome to the Writermind Project - a series of programs starting later in 2024 designed to improve writers' mental health and writing engagement. Writermind Project programs are designed to reflect the qualities that characterise the writers I have worked with over the years - smart, open, compassionate and genuine.
Events will be held online mostly, with self-paced or live and interactive options.
Online programs will be hosted in a dedicated, private, quiet space. They'll distill the exact strategies and practices that have proven effective during the ten years of Alison's therapeutic and coaching work with writers.
Writermind Project programs target difficulties in the four key areas that typically prevent writers engaging effectively with their work:
* The writer's relationship with the self (self-criticism, self-doubt, unrelenting high standards, lack of self-acceptance, problematic self-stories such as not-good-enough)
* The writer's mind management difficulties (emotional overwhelm, procrastination, perfectionism, unhelpful thinking patterns and distorted thinking, 'what if' paralysis, fear of failure)
* Excessive focus on external factors (publication concerns, criticism/rejection concerns, potential reviews, sales)
* The mismatch between the writer's expectations and the realities of the writing life (expecting writing to be a joyous flow, rather than the difficult, stressful and disheartening process it can be).
Events will be held online mostly, with self-paced or live and interactive options.
Online programs will be hosted in a dedicated, private, quiet space. They'll distill the exact strategies and practices that have proven effective during the ten years of Alison's therapeutic and coaching work with writers.
Writermind Project programs target difficulties in the four key areas that typically prevent writers engaging effectively with their work:
* The writer's relationship with the self (self-criticism, self-doubt, unrelenting high standards, lack of self-acceptance, problematic self-stories such as not-good-enough)
* The writer's mind management difficulties (emotional overwhelm, procrastination, perfectionism, unhelpful thinking patterns and distorted thinking, 'what if' paralysis, fear of failure)
* Excessive focus on external factors (publication concerns, criticism/rejection concerns, potential reviews, sales)
* The mismatch between the writer's expectations and the realities of the writing life (expecting writing to be a joyous flow, rather than the difficult, stressful and disheartening process it can be).
Please stay tuned - programs and events will be posted here in late 2024. Please send me an email if you'd like me to let you know when programs launch.