Welcome to the Writermind Project
Welcome to the Writermind Project - a series of programs starting later in 2024 designed to improve writers' mental health and writing engagement. Writermind Project programs are designed to reflect the qualities that characterise the writers I have worked with over the years - smart, open, compassionate and genuine.
Events will be held online mostly, with self-paced or live and interactive options.
Online programs will be hosted in a dedicated, private, quiet space. They'll distill the exact strategies and practices that have proven effective during the ten years of therapeutic and coaching work with writers.
Writermind Project programs target difficulties in the four key areas that typically prevent writers engaging effectively with their work:
* The writer's relationship with the self (self-criticism, self-doubt, unrelenting high standards, lack of self-acceptance, problematic self-stories such as not-good-enough)
* The writer's mind management difficulties (emotional overwhelm, procrastination, perfectionism, unhelpful thinking patterns and distorted thinking, 'what if' paralysis, fear of failure)
* Excessive focus on external factors (publication concerns, criticism/rejection concerns, potential reviews, sales)
* The mismatch between the writer's expectations and the realities of the writing life (expecting writing to be a joyous flow, rather than the difficult, stressful and disheartening process it can be).
Events will be held online mostly, with self-paced or live and interactive options.
Online programs will be hosted in a dedicated, private, quiet space. They'll distill the exact strategies and practices that have proven effective during the ten years of therapeutic and coaching work with writers.
Writermind Project programs target difficulties in the four key areas that typically prevent writers engaging effectively with their work:
* The writer's relationship with the self (self-criticism, self-doubt, unrelenting high standards, lack of self-acceptance, problematic self-stories such as not-good-enough)
* The writer's mind management difficulties (emotional overwhelm, procrastination, perfectionism, unhelpful thinking patterns and distorted thinking, 'what if' paralysis, fear of failure)
* Excessive focus on external factors (publication concerns, criticism/rejection concerns, potential reviews, sales)
* The mismatch between the writer's expectations and the realities of the writing life (expecting writing to be a joyous flow, rather than the difficult, stressful and disheartening process it can be).
The Writer's Reset
From time to time we need to stop, reset and redirect. Writermind Reset retreats introduce foundational elements of the Writermind, helping you to identify skills to practise and incorporate into your writing life. The Writermind Reset Retreats will be scheduled each year online, and occasionally in person. To express your interest in future Reset Retreats, please leave your details here and I'll send you information about the retreat as soon as the date is set. |
In the Zone | Writermind Essentials
An eight part program which introduces mind management skills and guided processes that will allow you to practise your skills. This program introduces practical strategies designed to help writers manage common writerly experiences such as self-doubt, overwhelm, procrastination and inertia, self-criticism and publication anxiety. This Essentials program is designed to help you develop core writermind skills in order to build (or reinstate!) effective habits that will serve your writing practice. To express your interest in future In the Zone clinics please leave your details here and I will contact you as soon as the dates are finalised. |
Align | Writermind Mastery
This program is designed to to help you align your writing practices with your writing intentions. The program is designed to help you strengthen and practise your writermind skills, building on the Essentials program. Writers in this program will be designing the writing practice that will serve as the basis for their long term, sustainable, engaged writing life. You will consolidate and deepen your writermind skills so that they become habitual, building a practice that has healthy psychological functioning at its heart. By meeting regularly and connecting through a private forum, you will have the chance to practise, refine and implement the writermind strategies you learn. Most importantly, you will also learn from and support your fellow writers, as you recognise the patterns that are so common regardless of personalty, writing experience or background. Once again, the emphasis is on implementation. There will be opportunities for learning, reflection, accountability and lots of support. If you would like to be a part of a regular, guided writermind writing group please leave your contact details here and I'll be in touch to let you know the start date and group details once they are finalised. |