Mind management essentials for the non-writing aspects of writing.
Learn skills to manage the psychological and emotional aspects of writing.
Develop the capacity to stay the distance. The self-preservation skills necessary for a sustainable, engaged writing life.
Learn skills to manage the psychological and emotional aspects of writing.
Develop the capacity to stay the distance. The self-preservation skills necessary for a sustainable, engaged writing life.
Therapy | Coaching | Writermind Learning Lab| Community
Helping writers with:
Punitive Self-Criticism
Fear of Failure
Catastrophic Thinking
Focus and Concentration
First Draft Difficulties
Emotion Regulation Difficulties
We work with writers like you every day.
Smart, driven, sometimes stricken, talented, doubtful, capable, sometimes overwhelmed, sometimes thrilled, sometimes despairing.
We know what you go through as a writer.
We can help.
We can help you build the skills and capacities to create a sustainable, engaged writing life for the long term.
We know that writing is hard.
Hard can be good, if you know how to steady yourself.
When you don't, hard is just hard. Or hell.
We want writers to explore their potential.
To find their voice.
To tolerate uncertainty.
To tolerate risk.
To accept themselves (breathe now), even when the work is not going well, or doesn't find its place.
To accept that there is chance involved in getting published, as well as talent.
To differentiate the self from the work, in order to love the work.
To write.
If that is what is really important to them.
Or NOT, if the costs and risks are simply too great. For whatever reasons.
That is a legitimate choice. We will help you accept the choice if that is the choice you need to make.
We help writers work out what is what.
What is self, what is personal history, what is society, what is about the writing itself.
It's complex.
We know this world.
We are here.
Let us know if you'd like to be part of the Writermind Project.
In a weekly, low-cost online Focus Forum.
In a coaching or therapy group to address specific concerns, or achieve specific goals.
One to one, or in a group of other experienced, published writers learning exquisite listenening skills, and expectation-setting skills (i.e. how not to over-function) as you mentor and support less experienced writers to take the risks you're still grappling with yourself, even after all this time. (Oh, and how to deal with the uncomfortable issue of charging reasonably for your time...)
In a longer term, targeted group of writers determined to master mind-management skills in order to build that sustainable, long term writing practice that allows the true exploration of the self, beyond the writer part.
Whether in individual therapy and coaching, in self-paced online learning, online groups and retreats or at in-person workshops we have you covered.
Our psychologists specialises in working with writers. They have worked with writers for many years and also hold masters level qualifications in clinical psychology
If you're seeking coaching rather than therapy you'll work with a psychologist who is also a qualified and experienced coach.
If you'd like to learn specific writers' mind-management skills we run regular mind-skills training programs, self-paced, live online, or in person.
If you need to maintain motivation, momentum and connection with other writers join our online Friday Focus writing days each month.
Punitive Self-Criticism
Fear of Failure
Catastrophic Thinking
Focus and Concentration
First Draft Difficulties
Emotion Regulation Difficulties
We work with writers like you every day.
Smart, driven, sometimes stricken, talented, doubtful, capable, sometimes overwhelmed, sometimes thrilled, sometimes despairing.
We know what you go through as a writer.
We can help.
We can help you build the skills and capacities to create a sustainable, engaged writing life for the long term.
We know that writing is hard.
Hard can be good, if you know how to steady yourself.
When you don't, hard is just hard. Or hell.
We want writers to explore their potential.
To find their voice.
To tolerate uncertainty.
To tolerate risk.
To accept themselves (breathe now), even when the work is not going well, or doesn't find its place.
To accept that there is chance involved in getting published, as well as talent.
To differentiate the self from the work, in order to love the work.
To write.
If that is what is really important to them.
Or NOT, if the costs and risks are simply too great. For whatever reasons.
That is a legitimate choice. We will help you accept the choice if that is the choice you need to make.
We help writers work out what is what.
What is self, what is personal history, what is society, what is about the writing itself.
It's complex.
We know this world.
We are here.
Let us know if you'd like to be part of the Writermind Project.
In a weekly, low-cost online Focus Forum.
In a coaching or therapy group to address specific concerns, or achieve specific goals.
One to one, or in a group of other experienced, published writers learning exquisite listenening skills, and expectation-setting skills (i.e. how not to over-function) as you mentor and support less experienced writers to take the risks you're still grappling with yourself, even after all this time. (Oh, and how to deal with the uncomfortable issue of charging reasonably for your time...)
In a longer term, targeted group of writers determined to master mind-management skills in order to build that sustainable, long term writing practice that allows the true exploration of the self, beyond the writer part.
Whether in individual therapy and coaching, in self-paced online learning, online groups and retreats or at in-person workshops we have you covered.
Our psychologists specialises in working with writers. They have worked with writers for many years and also hold masters level qualifications in clinical psychology
If you're seeking coaching rather than therapy you'll work with a psychologist who is also a qualified and experienced coach.
If you'd like to learn specific writers' mind-management skills we run regular mind-skills training programs, self-paced, live online, or in person.
If you need to maintain motivation, momentum and connection with other writers join our online Friday Focus writing days each month.