I specialise in working with writers at every stage of the writing life, as a psychologist, coach, researcher and workshop leader. Along with a Master of Clinical Psychology my background includes coaching, training, broadcast journalism and conflict management/mediation. I provide writers with individual therapy and coaching through the Writer's Psych Clinic (formerly A Mind of One's Own). I have also launched The Writermind Project - a series of group programs designed to address the perennial psychological factors that writers have brought to their work with me over the years. Research Considering how many writers struggle with procrastination - and the distress, frustration and poor mental health that can be linked to chronic procrastination - I have conducted research projects to better understand some of the psychological factors associated with different levels of procrastination severity. I'll be incorporating the findings into The Writermind Project programs. Helping writers to develop the skills for a sustainable, engaged writing life In essence, the decade I've spent working with writers has been focused on one thing: helping writers to develop what I now call a Writermind; a mind that has balance, fexibility, perspective, attunement, self-awareness, insight and discipline. A mind that can stay connected to a project even when confidence is at a low ebb. I have come to believe that a toned Writermind is the centrepiece of the sustainable, engaged writing practice. |